Macedonian airline subsidy tender closes


The Macedonian government's tender for the provision of financial support to an airline for the introduction of new routes in 2019 closed today. Two previous attempts at awarding the financial stimulus were annulled. The public opening of the bids will be held today at midday. The newly offered incentives will be provided to the winning airline between 2019 and 2022. Those applying must have carried at least ten million passengers in 2017 and recorded a net profit of 25 million euros. The selected airline must establish and/or maintain a base with at least one aircraft in Skopje or Ohrid by March 26, 2019 at the latest for the duration of the financial support program. Furthermore, the carrier in question must launch at least two new routes from Skopje by March 26 and four new routes from Ohrid, the first two by late March 2019 and the rest within a year of being granted state support. The financial support includes a one-time payment of 40.000 euros for each new route launched, as well as nine euros per passengers for each new destination from Skopje for the first year, eight euros during the second year and seven during the third. On the other hand, the carrier will receive thirteen euros per passenger during the first year of operations on a new route out of Ohrid, twelve during the second and eleven euros per traveller in the third year.

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