PHOTOS: Air France returns to Belgrade

Air France has resumed operations between Paris and Belgrade following a six-year hiatus. To mark the occasion, Air France - KLM's General Manager for Alps, Balkans and Central Europe, Thijs Komen, the Chairman of VINCI Airports Nicholas Noatbeart, the General Manager of the French-operated Nikola Tesla Airport, Nicholas Brus and the French Ambassador to Serbia, Frederic Mondoloni, greeted today's service from Paris. Mr Komen said, "I'm happy that after six years we are back with our own aircraft. We will serve Belgrade with daily flights on the Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft.  Together with Air Serbia, we will offer three daily flights with excellent connections to North and South America". Air France - KLM's Senior Vice President, Zoran Jelkić, said, "We have a long and mixed history with this city. The Serbian economy is growing and French investments in Serbia are increasing. Air France wants to be part of this story. We are very proud to be back.  For the time being I can say that advanced bookings are looking very promising. We are optimistic that this will be a year-round service. We expect that 60% of traffic will be point to point, 25% long haul transfers, particularly to North America, and the rest will be European transfers".


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