Croatia tops EX-YU airport infrastructure quality

The World Economic Forum has published its acclaimed biannual Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report, in which it measures and ranks the competitiveness of 140 economies, comprising of fourteen pillars, one of which is air transport. In its 2019 report, Croatia was named as having the highest quality airport infrastructure in the former Yugoslavia. Within the last two years, new airport terminals have been opened in Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Split. The country also improved the most when compared to two years ago. As a result, Croatia surpassed Macedonia which has topped the list since 2015. All countries, with exception to Macedonia and Slovenia, managed to improve their ranking on two years ago. Kosovo was not included in the report.

Croatia ranked 44th in the world for its airport infrastructure, with an average score of 3.6 (with one being the lowest and seven the highest). It was followed by Montenegro, which took 60th place, Serbia 76th, Slovenia 81st and Macedonia 89th. Bosnia and Herzegovina fell behind in the rankings, taking up 110th position and an average score of 2.0. While the World Economic Forum did not give a detailed individual report for each country and their ranking, in the case of Serbia it noted, “Ticket prices and airport taxes have been reduced, adding to the country’s overall improvement when it comes to price competitiveness. In line with this improved openness and lower costs, the nation’s air transport infrastructure also improved as more airlines started operating in the country and perceptions of airport infrastructure quality became more positive”.

Global rank Country Score Rank change
44 Croatia 3.6 34
60 Montenegro 3.2  21
76 Serbia 2.9  16
79 Slovenia 2.6 9
89 Macedonia 2.1  38
110 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.6  21

The World Economic Forum takes note of several key areas when compiling its reports for airport infrastructure quality. These include: quality of air transport infrastructure, available seat kilometres on domestic flights, available seat kilometres on international flights, number of aircraft departures per 1.000 population, number of airports with at least one scheduled flight per million of urban population and number of operating airlines. Two-thirds of the data in the report are provided by international organisations, with the remaining third based on surveys carried out among over 15.000 business executives and business leaders annually in all the economies included in the assessment. The survey represents a unique source of insight into critical aspects of travel and tourism competitiveness. Data for this year's report was compiled over 2017 and 2018.


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