Air Serbia boosts Montenegro operations


Air Serbia will introduce additional flights between Belgrade and Montenegro over the upcoming Orthodox Easter and May Day holidays by adding an extra 3.000 seats onto the market. In May, the Serbian carrier plans to operate fifteen weekly rotations to Podgorica and nine weekly to Tivat. Services to the Montenegrin capital will run twice per day Saturday to Thursday and triple daily on Friday, while operations to Tivat will have double daily departures on Friday and Sunday and daily for the rest of the week. All flights will be maintained by the Airbus A319 and A320 jets. “We are committed to the Montenegrin market, and it is important for us that, in addition to providing a connection between the two countries, we also provide passengers from Montenegro with a connection to another 28 destinations in our network. We continue to monitor the situation and adapt the volume of traffic to changes in demand”, Air Serbia’s General Manager for Commercial and Strategy, Jiri Marek, said. There are currently no travel restrictions between Serbia and Montenegro, and negative PCR tests are not required in either direction.

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