Croatia Airlines - Zagreb Airport hold talks over Ryanair


Croatia Airlines and Zagreb Airport held talks at the Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure yesterday in an attempt to mend ties over Ryanair’s plans to station two aircraft in the Croatian capital this September. The national carrier has accused the country’s busiest airport of offering the low cost giant favourable commercial terms and conditions which were not previously available to Croatia Airlines, which has led to a war of words between the two over the past week. Following the initial meeting, Croatia’s Minister for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, said, “I am delighted that today’s talks were successful and that it was agreed for talks to continue in order for all issues to be resolved. The goal of the ministry and the entire government is to ensure Croatia Airlines’ viability, while at the same time support Zagreb Airport’s business development and the launch of new routes”. He added, “The pandemic has had an extremely negative impact on air transport across the world and we are all aware we need to make significant efforts to survive on the market and save every job”.

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