Tivat Airport opens new terminal


Tivat Airport's temporary makeshift terminal has been officially opened, with the 3.5 million euro structure completed within four months. It marks the first major investment in the airport's infrastructure since its main terminal building was overhauled back in 2006. The new Terminal 2 stretches over an area of 3.000 square metres and includes six check-in desks, airline representative offices and police and customs premises. The makeshift building also boasts a baggage sorting area. Speaking at the opening ceremony last night, Montenegro's Prime Minister, Duško Marković, said, "This was an immediate and essential response to the serious bottlenecks at Tivat Airport, which have resulted from growing passenger numbers. The management of Tivat and Podgorica airports came to us and proposed the construction of these makeshift structures. This is the sort of initiative I want to see. Identify the problem, make a decision and make it happen".

The new terminal building will be used by departing passengers. "Additional capacity and improved conditions at Tivat Airport were crucial in securing the most important European carrier, Lufthansa, in commencing services to Tivat from next April. In the last two years, Montenegro has been linked with thirty new destinations, the number of handled passengers has grown by 600.000 and it was high time that we expanded our capacity", the General Manager of operator Airports of Montenegro, Danilo Orlandić, said. A similar structure, valued at two million euros, will be built at Podgorica Airport next year.

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