TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Munich - Split


Written by FlyAlex

Flight: OU4439
Aircraft: Bombardier Dash 8 Q400
Class: Economy
Seat: 15F

Welcome to this short report of a recent flight to Split.

Boarding at Munich started on time via bus on a remote position.

Our turboprop for the short flight to Split looked very nice in the morning sun:

Cabin was fitted with blue leather seats which were quite comfortable however already a bit on the worn side. I had a window seat in row 15 from which the views were somewhat limited because of the huge engine and gear stowage in front of my window.

Cabin crew on this short 1 hour 20 minutes flight was very friendly.

We took off in direction towards east and then turned to cross the Alps and head for the Adriatic coast.

Service consisted of free choice of drinks accompanied by a small local Croatian snack of cookies. I opted for tea and some water. The service was totally fine for such a short flight.

We had some great views of the Croatian coast before touching down on time at small Split Airport.


Cabin: 7/10
Cabin Crew: 9/10
Meal/Catering: 8/10

Overall, Croatia Airlines offered a very good economy class experience on this short flight with a very friendly cabin crew.

Thanks for reading,

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