Adria holds talks with PM over future

Adria Airways' Managing Director, Holger Kowarsch, has held talks with the Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Šarec to discuss cooperation and the company's future plans. It comes just weeks after Mr Šarec blasted the company, labelling it as an example of a Slovenian brand tarnished by foreign investors. "Following the Prime Minister’s statement given on Labour Day, Adria Airways requested the meeting and we are genuinely pleased that the Prime Minister accepted the initiative. The meeting was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 during which Adria presented the Prime Minister with the company's status and business plans for the future", the airline said. It added, "Discussions were also held on ways to implement greater cooperation, especially in light of the forthcoming Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union [from July until December of 2021]. The company wants to form a constructive dialogue and more active cooperation with the state in addressing the issues of the private sector, while at the same time anticipating for the state to actively participate in the shaping of the business environment".

Adria was forced to deny reports made by Slovenian portal "Siol" of a fiery meeting between the two, during which Mr Kowarsch requested state aid. According to "Siol", Adria's part-owner, 4K Invest, has threatened to shut the airline and lay off several hundred employees if the government did not help. It reported that voices were raised at the meeting which was designed to secure state aid. Denying the reports, the carrier said, "Adria Airways strongly rejects all claims on requesting state aid, and again emphasises that the meeting was held with the aim of improving co-operation and expectations regarding the future vision of the development of air transport in Slovenia. Adria Airways condemns the continuing negative reporting about the company and its business, and expresses concern over extremely harmful claims occurring in the media. The management, employees and owners are striving not only for the existence of a Slovenian carrier on a daily basis, but also for its stable development". It added, "Constant negative reporting continues to cause severe business damage and due to lies in the media Adria Airways is being forced to take legal action in order to protect its interests and the interests of its employees".

The Prime Minister's office confirmed that a meeting took place, during which he was presented with information regarding Adria's current business situation. Mr Šarec and State Secretary Vojmir Urlep expressed hope that Adria would provide regular and stable air links between Slovenia and key European cities with an appropriate business strategy and development plan. No mention was made of the alleged exchange between the two sides regarding state aid, as reported by "Siol".

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