JAT Caravelle restoration nears completion


The 56-year-old JAT Yugoslav Airlines Caravelle, registered YU-AHB and christened Bled, which is on display in front of the Aeronautical Museum in Belgrade, is in the process of being restored. The aircraft has been repainted, its seats replaced and the original dashboard from the French manufacturer will soon be delivered to the Serbian capital. Some 10.000 euros have been invested in the aircraft’s restoration. The museum will enable visits inside the aircraft, once its overhaul is complete, at a price of 100 dinars (0.85 eurocents). The jet was delivered to JAT in February 1963 and retired in 1976. In 1977, the Caravelle was donated to the Aeronautical Museum.

Restored JAT Caravelle interior

Inside JAT's Caravelle, 1960s

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