Croatia Airlines suspends coastal flights

Croatia Airlines has suspended international flights from airports in Split, Dubrovnik and Rijeka as a result of the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak. The decision affects services from Split to Frankfurt and Munich, as well as Rome, which was suspended earlier on. From Dubrovnik, the airline will no longer fly to Frankfurt and services have been suspended between Rijeka and Munich. Affected passengers on all of the aforementioned flights will be transferred to Zagreb in order to complete their journey. Furthermore, the airline has begun cancelling a select number of services out of the Croatian capital. So far, this only includes flights to Vienna on certain dates. The carrier previously suspended flights to the Italian capital until April 3.

Croatia Airiness acknowledged it has seen a slowdown in bookings and overall demand. As a result, the company is currently discussing postponing the launch of its new services from Zagreb to Podgorica and Sofia, which were due to commence at the start of May. The carrier further noted that other ad-hoc changes to its timetable were possible. Croatia Airlines has introduced a more flexible travel policy for all international passengers. The policy refers to existing and newly booked tickets up to March 31, 2020. Passengers are entitled to a date change with the rebooking fee waived.

All foreign nationals entering Croatia, having visited France, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Germany (except Heinsberg county in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia), Austria, Great Britain, Netherlands, China (except Hubei province), Republic of Korea (except Daegu city and Cheongdo province), Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Bahrein and Slovenia (Bela Krajina area) over the past two weeks will be subject to compulsory fourteen-day self-imposed isolation. Entry of foreign nationals having visited Italy, Iran, Hubei province in China, Daegu city and Cheongdo province in Korea and Heinsberg county in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany will be subject to compulsory fourteen-day quarantine at their own expense.

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